Couple of months ago, Facebook introduced a new change in it which gave a complete new interface to Facebook profiles which is called the ‘Timeline’. The thing that I personally like about Timeline is the massive image that appears at the top of the profile which is specifically known as Facebook Timeline Cover. Everyone wants such a Facebook Timeline Cover picture that is personalized and suits their profile. Before you hire someone to design a cover, you may check the below mentioned websites which can help you to find attractive Facebook Timeline cover pictures.

Best websites for Facebook Timeline cover pictures:


FBCoverPix is a really clean website which is not loaded with too many ads. It has a good collection of really cool Facebook Timeline cover pictures. You can even share these covers with other users and moreover, the likable part of this website is you can download covers without watermark which makes this site stand out of the crowd.


If you’re looking high quality timeline cover photos, then I recommend you to use The plus point of using this site for downloading cover photos is that you do not need to login into your Facebook account. You just need to head over the website and download your desired cover photos and simple upload it to your timeline. Well, few of the cover photos you download from this site may contain watermark.


This one is a quite popular website as has been already features on sites like CNET, Yahoo, etc. It does have many attractive cover photos but they carry a watermark. No need to login into your Facebook Account. Just download the cover and use it.


This is a highly recommended website if you’re looking for some lovely and colorful cover photos.  Just log in with your Facebook account, will set your favorite image as your profile cover.

5. has a large category of Facebook Timeline Cover Photos and it’s been categorized like Apple, Computers, Modern Warfare, etc. Just go to the website, login into your Facebook account and set your desired cover image as your profile.

KuldeepInternetFacebookCouple of months ago, Facebook introduced a new change in it which gave a complete new interface to Facebook profiles which is called the ‘Timeline’. The thing that I personally like about Timeline is the massive image that appears at the top of the profile which is specifically known...Technology News, Gadgets, Tutorial, Freebies