How to Sync Contacts Between iPhone and Android
iOS is one of the best mobile operating system but Android has appeared to as a similar and cheaper mobile operating system. It is hard to get an iOS device for $200 but you can get a quad-core Nexus 7 Android Jelly Bean Tablet. Android has made it simpler for many common mobile users to get acquainted with smart Phones. If you believe that iPhone and iPad are much powerful and faster than Android devices then check out the latest Android phones like Asus Transformer Infinity, Galaxy S3 or HTC One X. Galaxy S3 Quad core has already beaten iPhone 4S in benchmark testing and same is true with Transformer infinity being powerful then the New iPad.
If you are an iOS user and shifting to Android then you will not love the interface of Android in first time but you will get used to it very soon. You can even transfer contacts from iPhone to Android and there are a few apps that are common on iOS and Android so that you feel at home. The best way to transfer the contacts from iOS to Android is syncing through Gmail. We will be telling you alternative methods as well.
Transferring/Syncing contacts from iPhone to Android:
Syncing using Gmail. Take your iPhone/iPad/iPod and connect it to the computer. Open iTunes, Go to Menu>>Info>>Syncing options. You will find the contacts syncing option. Just select “Gmail” in the drop down menu adjacent to “Sync contacts with” box. On the next step, key in your Gmail username and password. This will create a backup of all your contacts on Gmail.
Now, on Android Phone just configure your Gmail account in the mail. Normally, on the first Android boot you will be asked for Google user credentials. The phone will automatically import all contacts from Gmail. If it does not work then Go to settings>>Accounts and Sync and enable the contacts check box.
Transferring/Syncing Contacts from Android to iPhone:
Just enable the syncing option on your Android that will upload your contacts to Gmail account.
Now, connect your iPhone to Computer and open iTunes. Navigate to the Contacts page and select “Merge with Google” from the menu button. iTunes will automatically download all contacts and copy it to iPhone.
If you still insist it to be simpler, then you get paid apps to sync contacts over the cloud storage. Download SynKontacts from iTunes store on iPhone. Open the app and select “Upload”. Now, download SynKontacts on your Android and select the “Download option. It will automatically download all the contacts in your SynKontact account.
Keep Contacts Synced between Android and iPhone:
If you have decided to keep both iPhone and Android at once and enjoy both mobile OS then you can keep contacts Synced all time. You will just need to download Google Contacts Sync on your iPhone. This will keep your contacts synced with your Google account all time. On the Android side, just check if the contacts in enabled in Accounts and Sync settings. This will keep the Sync on all the time and thus if you add a contact on one device it will automatically get added to another.
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