Download Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander [Direct Download Links]

Ubuntu codenamed Saucy Salamander is now officially released today. This is the 19th release of Canonical who is behind this popular Linux operating system. Ubuntu is just an incremental update over Ubuntu  Raring Ringtail which was released this year. It doesn't bring any noticeable visual changes or new features. This might sound…
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Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail Released, Direct Download Links

Ubuntu lovers rejoice! The latest version of Ubuntu code named Raring Ringtail is officially released today and available for download. This is the 18th release of Ubuntu by Canonical. Ubuntu is the most popular Linux distribution which is used by millions of users worldwide. It is a simplified and user friendly Linux…
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Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal Released! Direct Download Links

The wait is now over! Final version of the popular Ubuntu Quantal Quetzal is officially released today. This is the 17th release from Caconical, the company behind the popular Linux operating system. Ubuntu  Precise Pangolin was the earlier release of Ubuntu. Ubuntu will offer several performance enhancements and some useful new features which will make…
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Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Released, Features, Direct Download Links

Ubuntu , the latest version of popular Linux distribution is released today. Canonical releases new version of Ubuntu biennially,  this is the first Ubuntu release of 2012. Ubuntu LTS code-named Precise Pangolin is the 16th release of Ubuntu and LTS name suggests that this version will be supported by regular updates and…
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Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot Officially Released Today

All Ubuntu users rejoice as Ubuntu , latest version of popular free Linux operating system is officially released today. Ubuntu  code named Oneiric Ocelot is 15th release of this open source Linux OS. Ubuntu is one of the best user friendly Linux distribution from Canonical. The previous version of this free operating…
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Create Live Ubuntu Bootable USB Flash Drive and Install Ubuntu

In my previous post I've shared How To Install Ubuntu Inside Windows without CD or USB Flash Drive .Today I'm going to show you how to create live bootable USB flash drive and install Ubuntu from USB flash are two advantages of creating bootable USB flash  you may not want to burn a Ubuntu CD as…
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