How to Be Completely Anonymous on the internet?
Internet is the place where we spent most of our time. We are now dependent on the internet for almost everything. We connect with friends and family through social networks, shop online, have fun and do serious works using the internet. However, internet is not a safe place anymore. Bad guys are trying to steal our identities and harm us. Sometimes our identities are being sold to other companies without our knowledge. When we visit any website our identities get exposed through IP address to the website owners. You should be very careful what you share on internet. Because once you share any sensitive information it becomes almost impossible to completely delete it. Becoming completely anonymous on internet may not be possible but you can hide your identity to some extent by following some basic tips.
Hide your online identity
1. Hide IP address:
Internet protocol address or IP address is our identity to the world when we are online. Every device connected to the internet has a unique IP address assigned by internet service providers. When we visit any website or access anything using internet our IP address gets exposed. Some websites even store all details in their log files. IP address can reveal geographical location and some other information about us. We should hide our IP addresses in order to conceal our identities. There are several ways to hide IP address; you can either use proxy servers or use some software which will fake your IP address. Virtual Private Network or VPN like Cyber Ghost VPN can be used for this purpose as well.
2. Fake your identity
Yes, you read it right. If you want to be completely anonymous online, never use your actual name, date of birth or address on the internet. Instead take a disguise; select a fake name, address and other related information when creating any online account. In this way you can safeguard your actual identity. Some sites like Google requires phone verification when opening a new account. I’ll recommend you not to use these sites if you want to completely hide your personal information. However, keep in mind that providing incorrect personal information may have some legal issues.
3. Stay away from social networks
Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ have become a part of our daily life. It helps to stay connected with friends and family. But when it comes to identity theft, social networks are soft targets of hackers. Sometimes we share sensitive information and photos unknowingly. If you are already using social networks, then delete your all existing social network accounts. So if you want to be an anonymous, don’t ever use any social networks.
4. Don’t use Google services
You should not be using any Google services if you want to be anonymous. Don’t perform a Google search or watch YouTube videos when you are logged into your Google account. Google stores all these activity and maintains a database of your account which can be accessed by visiting
5. Setup your own e-mail server or use disposable email address
If you have little technical knowledge you can buy a custom domain name and setup own email service. We know that Google reads our emails for providing contextual advertisement. It is always a better idea to use own email service rather than relying on any 3rd party email service providers. Alternatively, you can use disposable email address when signing up on websites that requires registration. In this way you can protect yourself from unwanted spam mails and hide your actual email address.
6. Disable cookies in browser and use private browsing mode
Cookies are used for different purposes. It keeps a track of all websites visited, saves their log in credentials, etc. Advertising networks like Google AdSense serves targeted ads based on cookies. I’ll recommend to completely disabling cookies. You can do that by going through options in any modern browser. Private browsing mode can be used to make our browsing details secret from others.
I think if you follow the above mentioned tips you can hide your identity. Don’t forget to use good antivirus software and regularly update it. Enjoy your online life!
If you know any other ways to protect online identity do share with us.
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I have one easy way to stay “google proof”, smash your laptop and lock yourself in a room forever…LOL
But on a serious note, these techniques can help a person to remain elusive of hackers and spammers.
Great post as always Plaban.
Opening fake accounts and giving fake information are the same things , I agree that some time , it needs to create such fake accounts to safe own self from any controversy .But keep in mind it would not harm any one @ other wish you will be traced very easily , how much expert you are ! which will not a factor.
about Google, Google stores the list of all web searches, I was digging deep a few months back, I found out searches back from 5 years all stored neatly in the web search history, It could be helpful too but the privacy issues are numerous.. you can’t hide from Google anymore unless you use private browsing and doesn’t do any business online.
To become anonymous you must start anonymous at a young age. However most kids and teenagers these days do whatever they want.
Do you Think I ever used my real name on internet. Mailprograms are no good. Visit your mailprovider with Anonymous surfing using DUCK DUCK GO and using all the good anti tracking stuff from you browser. Use many different browsers. Use different OS. Linux is OK. I have never been able too find any virus in Linux.Use different computers.Never use social networks. If they don´t want your comments they are not worth them.